Monopoly GO’s events, ranging from seasonal extravaganzas to multiday tournaments, provide thrilling challenges, rewards, and diverse gameplay experiences, ensuring the game’s survival and growth.

Today’s Events in Monopoly GO

Monopoly GO Events

The current pulse of Monopoly GO events is a dynamic blend of challenges and milestones. As of now, events like the Uncharted Adventures Milestone Event and the Snowy Creations Tournament are taking center stage. These events present diverse challenges, enticing players with various rewards, including dice and exclusive sticker packs.

The Uncharted Adventures Milestone Event, running from November 29th to December 1st, boasts lucrative rewards like 7,000 dice and sought-after golden blue sticker packs. Similarly, the Snowy Creations Tournament offers enticing sticker packs for top performers. It runs as the inaugural tournament of the season.

Monopoly GO! All Events Explained

Monopoly GO Events

Understanding the nuances of Monopoly GO events is key to thriving in the game. With a multitude of events constantly evolving, players encounter challenges, milestones, and enticing rewards. Free dice rolls and in-game cash often headline these events, making participation worthwhile.

The game’s events don’t adhere to a strict timetable, with recurring events like Peg E, Cash Boost, and Free Parking coexisting alongside transient opportunities. Accumulating dice for strategic use during multiday events becomes a pivotal tactic, promising significant rewards for dedicated players.

Types of Events

Monopoly GO Events

Monopoly GO events are categorized neatly into four distinct types: seasonal, multiday single-player, multiday tournament, and miscellaneous events. Seasonal events, spanning several months, revolve around sticker collection, offering substantial rewards albeit with considerable difficulty.

Multiday single-player events, prominently displayed at the game’s top center, present varying rules and milestone-based rewards without a leaderboard. Conversely, multiday tournament events, listed on the right side, combine milestone rewards with the allure of leaderboard placements for top performers.

Seasonal Events

The pinnacle of Monopoly GO events and seasonal extravaganzas like Epic Myths and Wildlife Tales challenge players to collect stickers and complete albums for substantial rewards. While individual collection milestones are achievable, completing entire albums poses formidable challenges due to rare card acquisitions.

Epic Myths, the ongoing third season event, demands landing on specific tiles to accumulate points, offering enticing rewards like 6,500 dice and coveted golden blue sticker packs. Similarly, the previous Wildlife Tales and Globe Trottin events presented similar challenges and rewards, captivating players with their complexity.

Multiday Single Player Events and Special Events

Events like Epic Myths Milestone Event and Blessed Feast Milestone Event exemplify the essence of multiday single-player challenges. Encouraging players to gather points through strategic tile landings, these events promise significant rewards, including dice and exclusive sticker packs.

Such events require meticulous planning and dice management, strategizing each roll to maximize point accumulation for milestone rewards. Special events like Singles Night and Car Show Partners complement these challenges, introducing varied mechanics and diverse milestone objectives.

Perks of Monopoly GO events. 

Participating in Monopoly GO events isn’t solely about the rewards; it’s an art of strategy and foresight. Planning dice rolls, strategizing multiplier usage, and timing moves to align with event objectives can significantly impact event progress.

 Bottom Line

Monopoly GO events constitute the vibrant soul of the game, offering diverse challenges, rewards, and gameplay experiences. Engaging in these events demands not just luck but strategic gameplay and astute management of resources.


How often are new events added in Monopoly GO?

New events are introduced regularly, although exact timetables are unpredictable. Certain recurring events coexist with transient opportunities, creating a varied event landscape.

What are the key strategies for excelling in multiday events?

Strategic dice management, timing rolls for maximum impact, and targeting specific event tiles with calculated multipliers are pivotal strategies for success.

Are seasonal events more rewarding compared to other event types?

Seasonal events offer substantial rewards but demand meticulous effort due to the complexity of completing sticker collections for maximum rewards.

Are leaderboard rewards significant in multiday tournament events?

Multiday tournaments combine milestone rewards with the allure of leaderboard placements, offering lucrative rewards for top performers.

How do I optimize dice usage during events for maximum rewards?

Strategically timing dice rolls, conserving a stash for opportune moments, and aligning multiplier usage with high-probability event squares are effective strategies.

Are there specific tips for completing entire albums in seasonal events?

Completing albums in seasonal events requires persistence, strategic dice usage, and consistent gameplay to collect rare and elusive cards.

Can events be completed without spending money in Monopoly GO?

Engaging strategically and managing resources astutely enables players to progress and excel in events without spending money.

What distinguishes special events like Singles Night from other event types?

Special events introduce unique mechanics and objectives, adding diversity to gameplay experiences beyond standard multiday challenges.

Are there any hidden benefits to completing certain event milestones?

Completing event milestones often unlocks exclusive rewards, including rare stickers, dice packs, and tokens, enriching the gameplay experience.

How do I efficiently accumulate points during multiday events without overspending dice?

Strategically targeting specific event tiles, timing dice rolls, and utilizing multipliers judiciously optimize point accumulation without excessive dice expenditure.


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